
About Amazon Ads and Review Policies

I am an Amazon Associate, which means I have posted links to the Amazon website on some of my blog posts, a search box for Amazon on the left, and displays of books and products mentioned on my blog around the borders of the page.  If you click on a book title or product name that has an html tag, do a search through the Amazon search box, or click on an image in one of the displays, you will enter Amazon's website and I will earn a commission on any products that you buy during that Amazon session.  I am trying this out as a way of seeking compensation for the time and effort I put into this blog.

With the except of reviews as explained below, no one has asked or influenced me to sell, suggest, review, or promote these books or products in any way.  My suggestions arise naturally out of my blog topics, which flow out of the activities of my life, or the ideas I am exposed to.  I do not choose blog topics because I might be able to sell something.  In fact, you won't find links or displays about books I have not read or products that I haven't tried myself, or for products that are perishable (such as flax seeds), or for brands I have not used myself.

If you are comfortable purchasing from Amazon through my links, I appreciate your participation.  To date, I have not earned a cent, but please feel free to change that!

Review Policies
Occasionally, I may publish a review of a book or product I find useful for teaching my children about our faith, for learning about living in a healthy manner, or for other reasons.  Sometimes, I decide to review products of my own accord.  Other times, I may have volunteered to review an item or been asked to review something in exchange for the item.  I will always explain at the end of the post whether I received the reviewed item for free and whether a review was expected in exchange for the item.  I always strive to write my honest opinions and experiences about the product.

If you wish to contact me about reviewing a book or other educational item, please send me an e-mail with information about the product, a link to your blog or website, and your review policies.  I reserve the right to determine at any point in the review process whether a review of any product is suitable for my blog readers.  

Updated June 12, 2012

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