
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Welcome to my blog! In future posts, I’ll be blogging most often about motherhood, teaching (both at my job and at home), and writing. I’ll also cover a number of other topics, including preparing healthy meals, healthy living, poetry, reading, feminism and women’s studies (what I teach), raising girls, raising mexicanas, speaking Spanish, activism, environmentalism, gardening, being Catholic, being Chicana, being creative. I welcome your comments and suggestions for future posts. I invite you to visit and read often.


  1. I just read your blog. I love it! I'm very impressed at the woman you've become Elisa. You should be very proud of yourself managing all those lives. I relate to you in many ways. I too am a full time mommy. I just recently went back to work (part time)after 11 years at home raising 3 children to be citizens of the world. Can't wait to read more! Yolanda "Jo"

  2. Thanks, Jo. I think many women manage to carve out several lives for themselves, as you are doing in your return to work. I hope you find your new arrangement as fulfilling as the last 11 years.


Your feedback, reactions, and ideas are appreciated!