
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Star of Bethlehem

In order to complete our home representation of The Nativity that includes our statues of The Holy Family and The Three Wise Men, we made a large star to hang over the scene.  It is easy to do and is a great way to recycle Christmas cards.

I saw this star making idea on Christy’s blog, Eclectic Momma, when we both participated in an Advent Link up.  I really liked her easy idea, but did not have time to make these stars during Advent.  I think they are also perfect for Epiphany, the Day of the Three Kings.

FYI: If you need more ideas for recycling your Christmas cards this year, I have some links for you.  Martianne at Training Happy Hearts has designed prayer flip cards for her activity that uses the Christmas cards; you can pray for a family who sent you a card each day, using her suggestions.  Read the full post here.  And, Erika at Raising Little Saints explains how to send your cards to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital for their St. Jude’s Ranch Recycled Card Program.  Read more here.  We’ll be sending our leftover cards to St. Jude’s when the Christmas season is over.  (They also accept greeting cards for all other occasions.)

I started by making my own star pattern because we need a rather large one; our star uses the full length of a yellow poster board.  I made the pattern using a manila folder; to make it even, I folded it in half and cut both sides together.  Since the folder was smaller than I needed for the pattern, I left the points unfinished and used a ruler to draw them out when I traced the pattern on the poster board.

After cutting out the star and sorting through the old Christmas cards for pictures of The Holy Family, The Three Wise Men, bells, stars, wreaths, and pretty borders, my children starting cutting the cards into pieces they wanted to use.  Some pictures they pasted directly where they wanted them.

Others overlap the edges of the star, as Christy suggests.

Here is our unfinished star, with all the pieces of cards glued on.  We will cut the edges and add glitter in a few days, in time for The Visit of the Three Kings, usually celebrated on January 6thIn 2012, Catholics celebrated this event at Sunday mass on January 8th. 

Here is our completed star, hanging above The Holy Family.

And, here is our Nativity, with the Kings arriving to visit.

In 2011, I linked with the the Epiphany Link up hosted by Martha at una vida católica en construcción(Unfortunately, the link up is no longer available for viewing; she started a new one for 2013).


  1. ¡Qué bárbara! De verdad encuentras fabulosas ideas!! Me super enacantó esta estrella!!!

  2. Muy bonita la estrella, espero el resto de fotos.
    Muchas gracias

  3. Me alegro de que les gusta la idea, es divertido de hacer. Si ustedes hacen una estrella como esta, mandame un foto.

  4. A mi también me ha gustado mucho esta idea. Niños y adultos disfrutarán mucho realizandola.

  5. Oh, I love this! and, thank you for linking to our prayer cards. I hope others enjoy using them. also, thx for the heads up about the St Jude's need. We may send our cards there after praying.

  6. So pretty and creative! Love how you use different pictures to make a stunning star.

  7. What a great idea! I love finding uses for old Christmas cards!

  8. Thanks, EC, Martianne, Noreen, and Lacy. And thank you, Lacy, for hosting the First Friday Link ups!

  9. Thanks for sharing your version of this idea! I love it!!!! Can't wait to try one next year!!!


Your feedback, reactions, and ideas are appreciated!