
About This Blog and Terms of Use

Mother, teacher, poet: each of these words describes something about who I am and what I do.  My roles often overlap and intersect the way images, emotions, and ideas often do in a good poem.  I look at the world with a poet’s eye, with a mother’s vision, and a teacher’s need to explain. 

Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you find something to enjoy and a reason to keep visiting.  My writing topics are eclectic, but I tend to focus on healthy eating and living, balancing my writing life with my mothering and working life, teaching the Catholic faith to my daughters, and occasionally reflecting on those topics as well as on faith and feminism.

Read my very first post, about why I started preparing healthier meals for my family and what I learned about that here.  

Read about how I balance mothering and writing here.  

Yes, I am a Catholic and a feminist.  Read more about these subjects here and here.

I look forward to meeting you!  Leave me a comment below or on any post to start our conversation.


Want to Share What I Have Written?  Please Give Credit!

Please use the sharing buttons you will find at the bottom of every post, in the right sidebar, and at the very bottom of the blog to share a post with your friends on social media.  

When I blog about others' ideas, I always strive to give credit to the original blogger or book author.  I ask you to do the same if you borrow or modify my ideas for your own personal or educational use.  

If you are posting about my ideas on your blog or web site, please link back to my original post and send me an e-mail with the link to your post.  

If you wish to borrow my photos, contact me first before posting them on your site.  

If you simply wish to highlight my post, do that by linking over rather than borrowing my words and photos.  

Please do not under any circumstances use my ideas, thoughts, words, or images to make a profit.  I reserve that prerogative as the original creator.


  1. Hi, Elisa--
    I'm nancy, and I blog over at I am a fellow catholic blogger, and have been enjoying your blog for some time now. I just wanted to see if you were interested in joining a facebook group I started for catholic bloggers. It is just a place to meet people, support each other and form a community. I'd love it if you'd be part of it.

    Think about it, and email me if you are interested:


  2. Thank you for the invitation, Nancy. I look forward to joining the group.


Your feedback, reactions, and ideas are appreciated!