
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Book Release Information

Mouthfeel Press is working hard this week to bring my new chapbook of poems, Entre la claridad, to completion.  Today, Maria sent me the blueline copy for final proofreading.  She and I will both read it over very carefully two times before she sends it to the printer tomorrow.

These final proofreads are only a small part of the many dozens of careful readings both Maria and I have made of the manuscript this year.  Two other writers, who also generously wrote promotional blurbs for the book, read the manuscript carefully and provided important corrections: Karen Braucher and ire’ne lara silva.  You will find their kind words about the book on the back cover.  Thank you Karen and ire’ne for your work!

I must also sing Maria’s praises: she has been busy these past few weeks, reading and rereading the manuscript, making suggestions about reordering the poems and dividing them into sections, encouraging me to revise a couple of the poems, considering and consulting about titles, and working on the cover.  She also transferred the manuscript file, my photo, and my bio into the publishing software and made the adjustments required for pagination, revised the Table of Contents, and edited my over-zealous biography.  All while battling migraines, caring for three children and a husband, and tending to the other duties of the Press.  Gracias, Maria.

For those of you ready to buy a copy (please do), the price will be $7.00 plus sales tax, and you can purchase from the press directly starting on Saturday.  Shipping is included, and you can remit payment via PayPal.  I will also have copies to sell in person, but not right away, so please support Mouthfeel by purchasing direct.  Don’t forget to check out the other titles while you are there.  

Once I have my copies, I will be giving some away right here, so keep reading the blog if you can patiently wait for a chance to win a free copy.  If you haven’t done so already, you can follow this blog by clicking on the blue button in the left sidebar, or subscribe to the blog via e-mail in the upper right sidebar.

Here is another teaser, from the second poem in the book, “All Señoritas Get Married,” which is dedicated to my mother:

She carries this knowledge
deep, in her gut,
the way she will one day
carry her babies, hidden and small,

Read the first teaser here and one more here.

Also, my poem “Bat Bridge” is included in the new collection of poems about the sacred by Mutabilis Press, Improbable Worlds.  One of writers mentioned above, ire’ne lara silva, is also published there.  You can read about and buy that book here.

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