
Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Book is Published!

Entre la claridad is ready!  Here is the cover.  

You can purchase my book for $7.00 plus sales tax from Mouthfeel Press directly.  Shipping is included, and you can remit payment via PayPal.  Be sure to shop for other titles while you are there.  I highly recommend Elisa’s Hunger by Carolina Monsiváis and furia by ire’ne lara silva; I read these books over the summer.  I also heard a number of other poets from the press read in October and they were all wonderful and unique, so you don’t have to limit your choices to these two poets.  I’m planning to read a couple more titles from the press over the next few weeks and then I’ll post a review of Mouthfeel Press titles.

Since I won’t have copies of Entre la claridad until later, I’ve decided to start the giveaways with signed copies of my first chapbook, Familia.  See the “My Publications” page above for information about both books.  I’ll be giving away copies of this book for the next week, every two days, starting on Monday.  

How do you enter the drawing?  For the first one, you just need to follow this blog using the blue button in the left sidebar, or by subscribing via e-mail at the top of the right sidebar.  Here is your opportunity to make sure you never miss a blog post, a giveaway, or a review!

Those of you who are already followers or subscribers are automatically entered in this drawing.  If you follow or subscribe in a reader, such as bloglovin’, just let me know by leaving a comment, as I have no way to confirm that myself.  I will place all the names in a cup or bowl and have one of my children pick a winner at 8 p.m. Monday night.

The next drawing will take place on Wednesday night, but you’ll have to do a little more to qualify for that entry.  I’ve been collecting clever ideas for using a giveaway to promote a book from my friend Xhonané, who has just published an e-book in Spanish about celebrating events from the Liturgical Calendar as a family at home.  For information about how you can buy a copy of El Año Litúrgico en Familia, visit her blog post.  I’ll post a review of this book in a future post.

Also, my poem “Bat Bridge” is included in the new collection of poems about the sacred by Mutabilis Press, Improbable Worlds.  One of the writers mentioned above, ire’ne lara silva, is also published there.  You can read about and buy that book here.


  1. Congrats Elisa! What a lovely cover. I'm so happy to see your chapbook is out now. I can't wait to read it myself!

  2. Thanks, Katie. I'm planning to read your chapbook over the break, and include it in my review of titles from Mouthfeel Press.


Your feedback, reactions, and ideas are appreciated!