
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Giveaway Winner

My friend from high school, Tracy, wins an autographed copy of Entre la claridad.  I’ll be giving away another copy next week, so check back to learn the details on how to enter.

Thank you to those who have participated in the drawings; I will also have a second chance drawing for those who did not win any of the previous giveaways.

I am looking for fresh ideas about how to increase participation in these giveaways.  I know that the holidays keep people busy and away from blogs and Facebook and even e-mail, but if you have suggestions, please let me know.  

While I’m taking suggestions, if you have ideas or topics you would like to read about in the coming year, I’d like to hear about them.  Soon, I will write more posts about healthy living, food, and healthier choices for specific foods.  Planned topics include nutritional benefits and recipes for beans, reviews of the My Plate recipes, and recent studies of the arsenic content in apple juice.  I did not have time to post about the healthier Thanksgiving Dinner in November, but we have two turkeys in the freezer, so the next time we prepare one, I will make a point to write about that.  

I hope to post about my upcoming presentation and reading at the AWP Conference, before and afterI want to write reviews of other books published by Mouthfeel PressI may give you a round-up of some of the interesting topics my students chose for their advocacy presentations this past semester.  And, there will be more posts that are part of the Liturgical Calendar Link Up Party organized by Familia Católica.  My next post is part of the Christmas link up, an activity for The Most Holy Name of Jesus, celebrated on January 3.

In the meantime, if you want to buy Entre la claridad rather than waiting for a giveaway, it is available for $7.00 from Mouthfeel Press.  Don’t forget to explore the other books from the press while you are there; you’ll see a selection of books by innovative and talented poets.  

Have you liked the Entre la claridad page on Facebook?  I post notices about writing, readings, publications, and literary events there, including things that I don’t have the chance to blog about.  Do go like the page if you are interested in those topics, or if you just like my book!

Reading an anthology is a good way to familiarize yourself with poetry.  My poem “Bat Bridge” is included in the new collection of poems about the sacred by Mutabilis Press, Improbable Worlds.  You can read about and buy that book here.


  1. Querida Elisa, gracias por tu activa participación en la Fiesta de Enlaces!! Veo que siempre aprovechas la oportunidad para promoverla!!

    Felicidades a Tracy por ganarse el libro. Creo que estas fiestas de Navidad son muy retadoras para hacer un sorteo, pues el acceso a la computadora está limitado por tanta actividad familiar. Me gustaria intentar de nuevo la próxima semana, espero poder cumplir con los requisitos para ser tomada en cuenta.


  2. Excelente, Xhonané! Puse su nombre en el último sorteo, ya que usted es una seguidora. Buena suerte para la próxima!

  3. I'm so glad that there will be another chance for a drawing! I'm behind on my blog reading and personal email reading, and am late on the draw. (HA. A pun.)

    Sounds like you have one full writing plate. My best to you in all you do ... and I look forward to reading more from you.



Your feedback, reactions, and ideas are appreciated!