
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Catholic Game Review: Lingo Bingo Católico

Several months ago, I volunteered to review Catholic Lingo Bingo in Spanish for the Arma Dei Shoppe run by Monica at Equipping Catholic Families.  I must apologize to Monica for such a long delay in posting my review.  After a busy summer during which my children did not want to color the cards or play bingo, I am now writing my thoughts about how we will use this game in the future.

I received the bingo kit as a PDF in black and white; we printed it on cardstock.  For children who enjoy coloring, the game preparation is an opportunity for them to express their creativity and to make decisions: will they color images that are the same but located on different game cards identically or not?  Will they use color schemes for groups of similar images (each picture is a Vessel, Vestment, or Sacramental)?  Will they use the same media or color some cards with crayons, others with pencils?

You can see that my youngest daughter did not consider any of these questions, outside of asking for markers, which I declined after she painted one of the cards so darkly that we could not distinguish the images.  She was still three when we started these, so we switched to colored pencils and have had much better results.  I also found pencils easier to use than crayons for the details on the small images (used to select the active images during the bingo game).  I actually colored the mini cards myself.

What I like best about the game is that it is an opportunity to learn the names of objects used in the mass, such as the pall and corporal.  We see them every week, but we don’t talk about them outside of mass.  For this reason, the game is a great way to teach children who are preparing for First Communion about the way the Eucharist is treated during and after the mass.  Sometimes, we can all use a reminder about reverence for the Eucharist, so these images can also reinforce that.

Also, the images of the places in the church are a good way to discuss the structure of the mass with children, explaining what happens in the sacramentary, at the lectionary, etc.  Personally, I was really happy to learn the names for the vestments, as I have never known what to call any of the clothing except for the generic robe.  

I recommend Catholic Lingo Bingo to any family looking for resources to educate children about the mass, the Eucharist, or liturgical objects.  Who doesn’t like to play bingo?  Learning about the faith and having fun at the same time couldn’t be easier.

You can purchase the PDF version in English or Spanish for $10 at the Arma Dei Shoppe.  Printed versions are also available for $2 more plus shipping.  You can find a list of all the reviews for Arma Dei products (including other reviews of the bingo games) here.

Also Arma Dei is currently running a Back to School Special: purchase three PDFs and get $10 off.  Details here (offer ends September 14th).  Monica is also organizing a Giveaway this month; I will post the details here soon, or look for them at Equipping Catholic Families.

Disclosure: I received free copies of Catholic Lingo Bingo and Lingo Bingo Católico in exchange for this review.  You can read more about my Review Policies here.

At Training Happy Hearts, I have joined Martianne’s weekly link up about Faith Formation in Young Children.


You will always find me linked at The Catholic Bloggers Network Monthly Round up.

Karri at My Life’s a Treasure hosts a weekly My Favorite Things Link up, and I am linking this post there. 


  1. Thanks so much for your review and promoting my special and my upcoming giveaway! God bless!

  2. Elisa, thanks for linking up to my Our Favorite Things Party. I think Monica has some great products for families.

  3. This would make a great game for any children, but I can see it being particularly helpful for those (like mine) who will be beginning First Holy Communion prep in a year or two. Thanks for the great review an for linking up at THH.

  4. Monica, thank you for the opportunity to review one of your many great products.

    Karri & Martianne, thanks for visiting. Don't forget to enter the raffle (see my next post).


Your feedback, reactions, and ideas are appreciated!